
5 People Open Up About Their Paranormal Experiences That Convinced Them To Believe In Ghosts

The Theatre 

aerogondo –

“I managed a theater built in 1924 in New York. Beautiful 1000 seat auditorium and always felt a little… spooky. People always saw shadow figures and such behind pillars and up in the opera boxes. But I never experienced anything until one night when we were closing.”

“My candy stand box office attendants were cleaning the lobby and doing counts and joking around, so I went in the auditorium with the door locks in hand to secure the exit doors before we closed up.”

“I got 3 rows into the auditorium and clear as day in my right ear I hear “beeee quieeeet” in a breathy low voice. I stopped in my tracks, turned around, and went back to the lobby. I gave the candy guy an extra hour that night to go and put the locks on the doors because I was not going back in there.”

“My wife and I decided to do some amateur ghost hunting there a month or so afterward. I set up 3 IR cameras attached to my laptop which was in the balcony so it was out of the way.”

“Not 5 minutes after I finished setup, I turn around and hear a thud. The laptop was pushed off the stand face down on the floor. Now I didn’t go near any cables and it was super secure.”

“We pressed on and did some EVP sessions and took some photos. I was holding an em meter and we decided to try and ask some questions. The basic “is anyone here” “did you work here” “are you male or female”. “Make the meter light up to red for yes”. First questions went red instantly.”

“Second question nada, third (green female red male) it goes green. Then I asked “if you want us to leave, make the red light go on. BOOM Red, not only just red, but full spiking the meter red. My wife and I noped out of there and went home after that.”

“No EVPs were heard, but we got a photo which I have to find again. We took a picture pointing to where I was told to be quiet from the other side of the aisle, and you can clearly see the silhouette of a female sitting in a chair.”

“I managed that theatre for 7 years after that night and I made it a routine that when I opened up and walked in the auditorium, I would say “good evening”, and when I would leave for the night I would say “have a great night” before I left. I never had anything tell me to be quiet after that, but I did constantly see shadows moving around in the opera boxes and in the back of the auditorium. Especially near the Wurlitzer organ that was in the front opera box.”

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