
This Guy Is Complaining That His Fiancée Still Wears An Engagement Ring From Her Deceased Former Love Even Though She’s Engaged To Him

A man is complaining that his fiancée still wears an engagement ring from her deceased former love, even though she is engaged to him.

His fiancée was already engaged once prior to meeting him, and her fiancé sadly died after getting into a car accident less than 4 years ago.

He then met his fiancée on Tinder around a year and a half later, and he mentioned that his fiancée was in therapy at the time due to her fiancé’s passing.

His fiancée held nothing back from him, and on the first date that they went on, she sat down and told him about her fiancé who passed.

She also at the time was wearing the engagement ring that her deceased fiancé gave her, but she did not have it on her left hand; the ring was on her right hand.

He never mentioned the ring to her until several months after their first date together. When he did approach the topic, she told him that she is never going to take the ring off her right hand for as long as she is still alive.

“She said she understood if it was a dealbreaker but that’s how it has to be,” he explained.

“I was fine with it thinking it was a temporary coping thing. When I first went over to her house (she owned it with him) I saw pictures of him, the life they lived, etc. it felt weird.”

Despite being uncomfortable, he continued the relationship with her and she did end up selling the house that she lived in with her fiancé after them spending 8 months dating.

Syda Productions –

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