
His Teen Daughter Won’t Stop Swiping And Ruining Her Stepmom’s Makeup So This Dad Is Telling The Internet He Got A Lockbox To Solve The Problem

“Jumping on here go add that ‘cheap makeup’ doesn’t damage her skin. I assume she is using drug store makeup. My holy grail base products are all drug store.”

“I can see not necessarily wanting to use eyeshadows from the drugstore as they are not as pigmented and stuff but otherwise most drug store brands are not that far off from expensive stuff.”

“If she is struggling with bad reactions then she should switch up what she uses or she isn’t properly removing it.”

“…I’d suggest to maybe look more into drug store brands as well as skincare together and help her to figure out how to save up for some more expensive stuff. That way she can still share her interests with her stepmum, without stealing or destroying things that aren’t hers.”


“She thinks it’s okay to steal from people she loves. That’s just messed up logic on all levels. Plus the whole point of being an adult is to slowly be able to afford all that crap you couldn’t have as a teenager. It’s a right of passage she needs to understand.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say about all this here.

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