
She Used Her Ex’s Credit Card To Buy Her Sister A Wedding Dress

georgerudy –

“My ex was ridiculously smug that I had finally cracked and used the card,” she continued. “He didn’t even want to know what I had spent so much money on.”

She had spoken to her ex in person about spending some crazy money on his card, and her sister happened to be there for that discussion.

When her sister found out that she had really paid for the wedding dress with her ex’s money, her sister lost it.

Her sister was very upset to find out how she had financed the dress, and she admonished her for using his money like that.

Her sister insisted on returning the dress and making sure her ex got his money returned to him, but she decided to talk her sister out of that.

Her sister has so far not returned her wedding dress, but she is extremely upset as of right now. Her sister doesn’t think it’s ok for her to be owing her ex something, especially a sum of money that large.

How would you deal with this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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