
She And Her Husband Were Devastated To Have To Say No To Adopting A Child Over The High Costs, And Now They’re Hoping To Raise The Money Needed To Cover The Expenses Of Adding A Child To Their Family

After receiving this news, Hannah and Evan decided that adopting a child to add to their family would be the best course of action for them.

Adoption already was something that the young couple had been considering, and they finished their home study at the beginning of this year, so they already had one step completed in the adoption process.

“We began working with Building Arizona Families and Adoption Assistance out of Louisville, KY,” Hannah said.

“We eagerly began waiting for the cases to start rolling in and are now well into the emotional roller coaster of “I think this is the one!” only to be met with “no it is not.” We were devastated when we found ourselves matched with what we thought was the perfect child, only to be told that the estimated cost was not initially quoted accurately, so we had to turn down the opportunity to parent that child because the cost was much greater than what we were first told.”

GoFundMe; pictured above Hannah and her husband Evan smile together

Hannah and Evan have saved up their own money to use for adopting a child, but the costs of adoption are actually extremely high.

Hannah cited information from the Children’s Bureau to break down exactly how high those costs are.

It’s approximately $20,000 to $45,000 to adopt a child privately, and that includes legal and court fees, home study fees, counseling, and medical expenses.

Hannah and Evan are now hoping to raise enough money to cover the costs of adopting a child to add to their family, and if you would like to donate to their adoption fund, you can do that here.

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