
Her Friend Had A Meltdown At Her Wedding And Then One Of Her Caterers Called An Ambulance

A 33-year-old woman tied the knot two years ago, and her wedding was on the larger side.

She had 150 people there for her wedding, and she saved alongside her husband for multiple years in order to be able to have their dream wedding.

One of her friends who was in attendance that day is named Ruth, and she’s been friends with Ruth for around 5 years.

They initially met at work and even after Ruth took a job somewhere else, they stayed friends.

“When we worked together, she had just received a diagnosis of autism plus a personality disorder and was able to function without a lot of accommodations,” she explained.

“Things changed in later years though. She began to really struggle with overstimulation and scary internal thoughts. She was hospitalized several times.”

“Eventually, she found stable employment but still has flare-ups of psychiatric issues from time to time.”

“I’m not gonna lie, at times it has felt like our friendship is very one-sided with me taking care of her a lot — but she doesn’t have many other friends in her life even though she’s a genuinely kind and caring person. So I didn’t want to abandon her.”

Leading up to her wedding, she made sure Ruth knew exactly what she was getting herself into by being a guest.

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