
She Confronted The High School Bully And Reminded This Woman That She Caused A Girl To End Her Life And She’s Asking The Internet If She Was Out Of Line

“Jenna clearly hasn’t changed since high school, despite what she’d like to pretend. And I think it’s pretty rich of her to be offended, seeing as she killed someone.”


“Was it a little insensitive to say? Sure but someone died because of this woman and your comment (although AHish in nature) I’m sure was honest – you hope her kid is not subjected to the same negativity she showed all bigger people in HS.”

“People hate hearing the truth of how things were when they’re romanticizing a time in their life. I bet you this woman feels zero remorse about how she treated Becky and that she ended up dead in part because of her bullying.”

“I’ll tell you why…because just minutes before she said “that was so long ago” she was talking smack about someone else she just saw!”


“Bullies love to justify their behavior and play the victim when they get called out on it.”


“Time passing doesn’t change people, genuinely working on oneself does. “It was so long ago” is a crappy justification.”

“Sometimes it takes someone calling you out like you did to her, to really see the things you need to fix in yourself. Also if she’s gone online to bully you over it, she hasn’t changed. Hope her daughter’s ok.”


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