After Her Best Friend Got Diagnosed With MS, She Told Her She Could No Longer Be Her Maid Of Honor

A 24-year-old woman’s 27-year-old fiancé proposed to her last year, and she eagerly accepted.

She has always planned on having the wedding of her dreams, and now that she’s engaged she’s working on organizing that.

She asked her 24-year-old best friend to be her maid of honor, and they’ve been close since back in high school.

She also was her best friend’s maid of honor, so naturally, she thought her best friend would be perfect to have in her bridal party too.

Her best friend was excited to be her maid of honor, but recently, her best friend has been growing distant from her.

“As my MOH I’d hope she would be helping plan the event and sending me wedding ideas and inspo but she hardly ever does,” she explained.

“When I was her MOH I was always sending her ideas for her bachelorette/ bridal shower/ dress/reception etc, she has barely done that for me though.”

“When I bring it up with her she is involved but she hardly initiates it and missed two of the wedding expos we were supposed to go to recently because she said she was too tired (that hurt my feelings ngl).”

Well, then her best friend let her know that the reason she’s been putting space in between them is that she was just diagnosed with MS.

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She mentioned that she does feel empathetic towards why her best friend hasn’t been there for her throughout the wedding planning process so far, and she says she’s upset that her best friend is sick.

“But it made me wonder if she should be my MOH,” she said. “I am concerned that her health will make that difficult.”

“When I told her this she promised me that she still will be up to it, it’s not like she’ll have to be in hospital, but I’m still worried.”

Her best friend is constantly exhausted, she is starting to fall a bit, her hands are shaking, and she is struggling to walk at a quick pace.

Her best friend also revealed that her doctors think that she needs to take it easy and catch up on some rest.

After her best friend filled her in on these details, she knew it would be difficult for her to fulfill the maid of honor duties the way she wanted.

“She won’t be able to spend as much time planning the wedding, she might struggle on the actual day itself,” she continued.

“What if she falls walking down the aisle, or can’t stand during the ceremony, or keeps needing to run to the bathroom?”

“What if she has to go and rest during the reception? She’s supposed to plan my bachelorette but she might not be able to put proper effort in now. I know it’s not her fault but it will make it hard for both of us and cause problems for the wedding.”

“It was a really hard decision for me cause I’ve always wanted her there as my MOH but I told her she won’t be able to be anymore. She was sad but understood.”

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Well, right after she told her best friend she could no longer be her maid of honor, her best friend’s husband phoned her up, and he was livid.

Her best friend’s husband said that her best friend was really struggling after receiving such a tough diagnosis and that instead of trying to be there for her, she kicked her out of the wedding.

He was upset that she had made everything about her instead of truly being concerned about her best friend.

Her actions crushed her best friend and her best friend’s husband was upset she picked perfection on her wedding day over having her best friend be a part of her special day.

She maintained that her best friend is still going to be invited to her wedding as a guest, but that didn’t make her best friend’s husband feel any better about this.

Her best friend’s husband accused her of being a terrible, selfish person, but she doesn’t agree with that.

“…I love my bf but I also do have to think of my wedding and I think it’s fair,” she concluded.

Do you think she handled things in the right way with excluding her best friend? You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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