His Girlfriend Is So Unbelievably Jealous Of Other Women It’s Starting To Exhaust Him

A 35-year-old man has been seeing his 28-year-old girlfriend, Maria, for the last three months, and he’s got a major issue with Maria.
Maria is so unbelievably jealous of other women, and it’s starting to exhaust him.
He has so many instances of Maria being jealous of women in his life for seemingly no reason, but there are three things that stick out the most to him.
“When we first started dating, I was (platonic) friends with an ex,” he explained. “She didn’t like this, which I think is fair, and wanted me to cease all communication with her.”
“This was painful for me because I genuinely considered her a good friend, but I agree with Maria in that it’s not appropriate to be friends with an ex if it bothers your current partner.”
To make Maria happy, he completely stopped speaking to his ex.
The next situation he went through with Maria being jealous involved his neighbor Diana, who he has been friends with for several years.
He also happens to be friends with Diana’s ex, since he initially met Diana and her ex-boyfriend back when they lived in his apartment building.
He has never been intimate with Diana and he’s not interested in her like that; these are all things he let Maria know from the get-go.

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Anyway, he and Maria recently had a little party, and he asked Diana and her boyfriend to come to it.
The day after the party at their place, Maria was furious. She accused Diana of “standing too close” to him and she also claimed to have noticed Diana looking at him “in an inappropriate way.”
He was so confused by what Maria said because he didn’t agree with her version of events.
“I told Maria I didn’t notice anything unusual about Diana’s body language and this triggered a huge fight,” she said.
“She even wanted to see my message history with Diana. I eventually started to feel guilty / a bit crazy, like maybe Diana was being flirty with me and I’m just oblivious…”
“I eventually agree to limit communication with Diana (which wasn’t much, to begin with, she’s more of an acquaintance than an actual friend).”
The third strike for him involved a friend of his named Missy, who also is friends with Maria. Missy is the whole reason he even met Maria, and he’s been friends with Missy since they were back in high school.
He considers Missy to be more like a family member than a friend at this point in his life.
“Last night, out of nowhere, Maria brought up a time (a few months ago) when the three of us were hanging out,” he continued.
“I squeezed Missy’s shoulder, as if to say “it’s all good”. Maria did not like that I did this and blew up when I wouldn’t agree that what I had done was inappropriate.”
“I did not concede to her point of view and told her this is something she should be talking to her therapist about.”
Now, Maria did used to go see a therapist frequently, and he believes that Maria really needs to be opening up about her unreasonable jealousy in therapy.
Obviously, Maria didn’t take that comment well and everything spiraled out of control. He ended up sleeping on their couch last night and got up early to head to work.
He’s never cheated on Maria, or anyone else he’s ever been with, and he’s never given Maria a valid reason to be suspicious of him, so this is all really starting to take a toll on him.
What do you think he should do? You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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