He Banned His Girlfriend’s Friends From His Bar For Causing Issues With His Female Customers And He’s Asking The Internet If He’s Wrong

A 32-year-old man has a 31-year-old girlfriend named Nicky that he’s been dating for a little under 3 years.

They’re not similar at all, but they still have a wonderful relationship even though they’re complete opposites.

Nicky teaches high school art, and he was in finance, but he decided to purchase a bar amid the pandemic and turned that into his job.

“Nicky was very supportive and helped me with designing the bar,” he explained. “The bar has taken off and has sorta become my life as I spend about 60 hours a week here.”

“Nicky would come in after work and bring her work friends with her. I had no problem with this at first as it was nice to have Nicky here and the extra business was nice.”

But then, things began happening with Nicky’s friends.

“Her friends ruin the vibe completely,” he said. “Basically anytime a girl is getting hit on they come running to her side to make sure she’s okay.”

Nicky’s friends feel the need to save every girl in the bar, which wouldn’t bother him if the guy they were interacting with was genuinely creepy, but that’s not the case.

Sometimes girls might chat with a regular customer, and then Nicky’s friends swoop in and insist that she go to the bathroom with them.

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Nicky’s friends also berate his bartenders for serving women too many drinks, but that never actually happens they just make it up.

Then, the girl that they targeted for having too many drinks gets upset and leaves his bar.

He has sat Nicky and her friends down and told them they cannot keep causing issues with his female customers, but they don’t listen.

They claim to be “bar moms” who are trying to protect every woman in the place, even if they don’t need protection at all and it’s hurting his business.

The last straw for him was recently; his best friend was chatting in the bar with some of the women who are his regulars.

“Nicky and her friends called the girls over to the table and told them to stay away from my friend because he’s bad news,” he continued.

“My buddy isn’t a bad guy at all, a player a little bit, but a great guy. My female regulars thanked them and left.”

He kicked Nicky and her friends out for being disrespectful, even though they really didn’t want to leave.

He then gave their photos to his bouncers and made it clear that they were all banned; except for Nicky.

On New Year’s Eve, Nicky’s friends tried to come to his bar, but his bouncers told them no and then they tried to cause a scene.

Now Nicky’s friends are accusing him of being a jerk.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“As one of those staunch outspoken sober grandma feminists who does like to watch out for other girls on nights out, I’m appalled at their lack of respect for other women making their own decisions and forming their own opinions. And shouting at your staff isn’t on, ever.”

“Your bar, you reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for no reason. Though your reason is perfectly valid.”


“Having been victimized while drunk, I will usually check in with a woman who seems either creeped out or completely trashed at a bar. But I’m not their mom or their mom-friend. If they say they are fine, they’re fine.”

“If I still feel weird about the situation (or can’t figure out a way to talk to the woman alone), I might say something to a bouncer/bartender that I got bad vibes and leave it at that.”

“At the end of the day, yes, the woman might be staying in an unsafe situation, but that’s her choice. It doesn’t make something happening to her her fault, but it doesn’t make it my fault for “allowing it” either.”

“There’s a difference between genuinely wanting to help people and wanting to “rescue” people to be the hero.”

“Women hate when men try and “knight in shining armor” them but then go and do it to other women as if that somehow makes it okay.”

“It’s the same mentality of people who “go off” on abusers they see in public, not realizing (or not caring) they just endangered the victim. It’s not about you.”


“There’s a difference between people flirting and engaging in respectful conversation versus grabbing someone’s arm when they’re clearly trying to leave, spiking someone’s drink, etc.”


“For a group of women who seem to be really focused on lifting women up, they do really well at treating women like they are incapable of handling themselves and making their own choices. I mean, how patronizing can you be with this “bar mom” bull?”

“This is not a fun place to hang out for you. This is your livelihood. Nicky clearly doesn’t get that.”

“Can you really see a bright future with someone who is going to tank your success and see nothing wrong with it?”


“I am a “bar mom” but never ever to this extent.”

“I have called/offered to call cabs and stayed/offered to stay with overly drunk women until the cab or friends arrive, I will offer hair ties, or help if someone is puking, fix zippers on shirts or dresses that kinda thing but I always ask first I don’t bully or force my help on people.”

“I watch my other friends’ drinks, I cut in if I know my friends are creeped out(we have a sign), if I am scanning the room for my friends and see something shady I will watch and see if that person seems like they need help.”

“But I would never ever act like these girls they aren’t being “bar mom’s” they are being ridiculous.”


“This has happened to me and is so annoying. I was out with my wife one night for her friend’s birthday drinks, and since it was her friend group, I remained sober for the driving duties. No biggie and she’s done the same for me in the past when out with my friends.”

“My wife is a total lightweight, however, and after a few drinks she’s all over the place.”

“Jump to me later helping her out of the bar and being accused by a group of women that I’m ‘taking advantage of an intoxicated girl’. Won’t listen to reasoning that we’re married and my wife is slurring and not making a lot of sense, which doesn’t help. Point out our wedding rings and they still won’t listen. They get a bouncer involved and are threatening to phone the police.”

“I had to open my Facebook and show our wedding photos before they would leave me alone. I understand the concern and appreciate the intention, but still, it is so annoying.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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