
He Let His Girlfriend Think That They Were Moving In Together And His Roommate Was The One Who Told Her That Wasn’t Going To Happen: Now He’s Asking The Internet If He Should Have Broken The News To His Girlfriend Sooner

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“Your GF is pressed over dish soap but insists on a home with a pool? As in one of those manmade holes in the ground that uses tons of excess water for no other purpose than leisure, and requires a bunch of chemicals to keep natural things like algae from growing?”

“Oh, I get it… GF only wants to be an “environmentalist” for the joy of being smug and telling other people what to do. That makes more sense.”

“Mindy should not be responsible for handling this conflict with your GF. YOU should. Mindy’s grandparents own the house and have appointed her a property manager of sorts, so she doesn’t have to let anyone live there that she doesn’t like.”

“Clearly she doesn’t like your GF. GF is going to have to accept this, and if she puts up a fight then YOU are the one who needs to deal with it, not Mindy or anyone else who lives there.”


“I suspect your GF is the type that everyone hates but tolerates for your sake. You need to wise up and dump this woman or one day you’ll wake up and find yourself abandoned by everyone except this terrible woman that no one can stand.”

“Dump her. Keep the home with your friends. And moving forward, address things that need to be addressed. Don’t wait until other people have to handle the fight for you.”


“Dump your girlfriend and date Mindy. Sounds like Mindy is pretty cool and your girlfriend has more red flags than a circus tent.”


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