
He Told His Girlfriend She Goes To The Doctor Too Much And Now That She’s Refusing To Speak To Him He’s Asking The Internet If He Was Out Of Line

His girlfriend did tell him that he cannot look at other people that he knows and use them as a comparison to her health.

“But I still feel like she’s compromising her health further….especially given her stomach ulcers,” he continued.

“I reminded her that she’s still young, and if she causes damage to her body now it might cause more issues in the future.”

His girlfriend got mad at him for trying to tell her what to do with her body before insisting that she is aware of all the side effects that come with the medication she takes and that isn’t a concern for her.

His girlfriend then left their place to go to her parent’s house and she has refused to say a single word to him since then.

“I reached out to her parents to ask if she’s okay,” he revealed. “They say I was out of line, and that she’s dealing with a lot at the time.”

“She’s still recovering from her allergic reaction and they reminded me that illness is something that she’s been dealing with for ages.”

His girlfriend is still refusing to answer any of his calls or texts, so he’s wondering if he really was out of line in telling her that she sees the doctor too much.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“I was born with a heart condition, I go to the cardiologist every two years to get it checked, if she is getting her heart checked monthly then it’s not minor. That being said if it were major she would be seeing a cardiologist.”


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