Her Cousin Is About To Marry A Guy With A Criminal Past And After She Brought Up Her Concerns At The Engagement Party She Was Asked By This Guy To Leave

A 26-year-old woman recently got invited to her cousin’s engagement party. Her cousin is 27, and her cousin’s fiancé is 32.

Nobody was invited to the party except for immediate family members, and she wound up sitting next to one of her other cousins and her parents at the engagement party.

As she sat there with her family, they began chatting about what they all know about the groom’s less than great history, as they are all seriously concerned for her cousin marrying this guy.

“My cousin has dealt with a lot of pain in her past and she lost her ex-boyfriend of 3 years in early 2021 to a traumatic boating accident,” she explained.

“The family is very protective of her because she lost her mother at a young age, and her father is not there mentally. Her father’s family is also protective of her as well.”

“From what I know, the two of them started dating 90 days after she buried her S/O,” she continued to say about her cousin and her cousin’s fiancé.

“Then they announced their engagement in December. They made the relationship Facebook official in July.”

Her cousin did not date this guy for that long before he proposed to her, and the very first time that she met her cousin’s fiancé was at the engagement party.

When she got the invite to the engagement party, she saw this guy’s name on the invite and thought it sounded quite..familiar.

abelena – stock.adobe.com

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She decided to look up her cousin’s fiancé on the internet, and what she found was shocking. Her cousin’s fiancé has quite a criminal past, and news outlets even wrote articles about what he did.

This guy has a decade’s worth of charges that include domestic violence, theft, and fraud.

She does think that people are capable of change, but she’s not sure her cousin’s fiancé is one of these people, considering the last charge he got was back in April of 2021, so it’s less than one year.

As soon as she found this all out, she told her mom and dad. Her parents are upset, but they told her that none of them can convince her cousin to not marry this guy since she’s an adult who can make her own choices.

“So fast forward to the party and the other cousin that I was sitting with asked me if I knew anything about him,” she said. “I told her what I knew about him. And that I think she moved on too fast.”

“I guess someone overheard this conversation and told the groom. The groom came over to me and asked me to leave as I was disrespectful towards their relationship. I didn’t raise a stink and left.”

tsuguliev – stock.adobe.com

She couldn’t believe anyone had overheard what she said, since it was a private conversation, but she did not want to make a scene, so she left as soon as this guy asked her to.

Several days after the engagement party, she learned that her cousin and her cousin’s fiancé both blocked her on social media.

Her family is trying to decide if what she did at the engagement party was wrong or not, and everyone is pretty split on this.

Her mom and dad do agree that her cousin moved way too quickly with this guy, and they think he’s “off.”

Her mom thinks that her cousin’s fiancé is so weird that she would never want to be in the same room with him alone.

“The bride and I typically chat throughout the day,” she continued. “We usually chat about dumb things that happen during the workday. She works in Vet Med and I work in Human Med. So a lot of our experiences are similar.”

“I haven’t seen her in person since the funeral of her S/O. I’m NGL I experienced some whiplash when she announced the engagement. The previous S/O and I had plans to go ring shopping for my cousin.”

“So we were close to the deceased and it felt like this guy came out of nowhere. Nowhere in our daily convo did she mention the groom. My family tried to establish a relationship with the groom. He always rejected the attempts.”

Since her cousin thinks she’s terrible for voicing her concerns to their family, she’s left wondering if she’s somehow in the wrong.

What do you think? You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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