Her Boyfriend Is Making Her Take Care Of His Dog Every Single Day And She’s So Sick Of This

A woman moved in with her boyfriend back in September, and she’s been in a relationship with him for a year.
She does think their relationship has gone well so far, but they are in a tough spot money-wise and she lost her job several months ago.
She’s currently working as a waitress for the moment since that was the only job she could get in a pinch and there aren’t many jobs where she lives.
She doesn’t bring home a lot working as a waitress, and then her boyfriend quit his job a few weeks ago.
As of right now, her boyfriend still has not found a job, which doesn’t actually irritate her so much.
“…But what does frustrate me is that I feel like I do more chores than him, on top of working more,” she explained. “Most of the chores are no big deal, but what I DONT like is taking care of his dog.”
“He got the dog before we met. She’s like his baby. I’ve never really been like, the biggest fan of this dog, but I don’t hate her or anything either.”
She just prefers cats, and she does have one that lives with them too. The worst part about her boyfriend’s dog is that she can’t be home by herself for over one hour since she will eat garbage or upend their house.
“This makes scheduling work hours difficult,” she said. “We try to train her, but at this point, we need to hire someone as she doesn’t listen to us.”

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“I always seem to be the one taking care of her though. Taking her outside is a hassle. You have to do it twice every morning…she’ll never do both in the same trip.”
“She also has to be in juuust the right spot, and will sometimes spend a while just kinda shuffling in the squatting position trying to find it.”
“She also pulls when we walk to the grass, but if you pull her at all she’ll get offended and won’t go to the bathroom, just look at you offended until you give up and go back inside, only to go back out ten minutes later.”
Her boyfriend refuses to get up early enough every day to take his dog outside, and instead, he dumps it on her.
So, taking out her boyfriend’s dog has become her part-time job, and even if she and her boyfriend are both sleeping and his dog starts crying, he makes her get up to help the dog.
“And if I say no or ask him instead, he’ll beg me until I finally relent,” she continued. “Oftentimes when we’re both home in the evening I’ll take her out then too when he’ll be busy with his hobby and I’ll be busy with mine.”
“I feel like when he got a dog, he signed up for a responsibility. And while I don’t mind walking her /sometimes/, I don’t want to do this every day, and I don’t think I should be the one taking her out more than him.”
“And he never helps out with my cat! He might feed her sometimes if she asks for it, but does he refill her water fountain or clear the litter box? No! And that’s MUCH easier than taking out his dog.”
Well, she’s left wondering how she can address this issue with her boyfriend, considering she’s positive that he’s going to try to spin things and say the dog is now theirs since they live with one another.

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How would you confront him? You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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