She Fully Expects Her Bridesmaids To Help Pay For The Bridal Shower She’s Already Planned: Now That They’re Refusing She’s Taking Back The Things She Already Agreed To Pay For Like Their Wedding Day Hair And Makeup

A 25-year-old woman is going to be getting married in a few months, and three of her cousins are going to be her bridesmaids.

When she asked her cousins to be part of her bridal party, she presented them with gorgeous boxes and a letter inside for “transparency.”

“This letter gave them info on what tasks I would need help with (recommendations for vendors and events they have to attend) and what they would have to pay for and what they wouldn’t, which included financial assistance for the bridal shower and the bachelorette party,” she explained.

At the time, her cousins all said that they were fine with what she put in her transparency letter that listed out all of her expectations of them.

“When I asked for assistance regarding the already disclosed tasks, I was met with backlash and was told “this isn’t our responsibility,” she said.

“Reluctant to stand up for myself, I agreed and have been doing everything almost completely on my own.”

“After many other altercations and issues, I decided it was just best to only include them when needed.”

She planned a bridal shower for herself, which is set to happen in about a month, and she paid for everything for her bridal shower along with her maid of honor and her mom.

However, she did reach out to her bridesmaids and ask that they contribute $50 for her bridal shower, which she noted was to help cover the costs of the snacks, drinks, and food for her guests.


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Now, traditionally speaking, whichever person decides to throw the bride the bridal shower ends up being the one paying for it.

So, since she planned and threw the whole thing for herself…she should technically be the one paying for it instead of hitting up her bridesmaids for money.

Anyway, when she asked her bridesmaids to help her pay for her party, they were less than thrilled with her request.

“They quickly refused and asked why it was their responsibility to fund a party I was planning and asked if it was expected for them to pitch in for every event including the wedding,” she continued.

“I understand that their financial situation is none of my business, but all three of them are very much the type of people to brag about their income.”

“I feel as though I am not good enough for help and fed up with begging for the help they already agreed to give. I decided that if they were able to go back on their word, then so was I.”

“We will no longer be paying for the things we said we would, such as hair and makeup, and will no longer be giving gifts.”

Well, her entire family believes she’s being petty and awful for deciding to take back the things she already promised to pay for in retaliation for her bridesmaids not wanting to pay for her bridal shower.

Her family also insisted that it’s not reasonable for her to bank on her bridesmaids helping her out financially with the bridal shower.

“They said if I can’t afford it then I shouldn’t do it,” she revealed. “However, my mom and MOH are in my corner saying this is a job for a bridesmaid, and if they didn’t want to help, they should have said no.”


Do you think it’s acceptable of her to do this to her bridesmaids and do you think it’s ok for her to insist that they pay in the first place?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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