She Told Her Roommate That Her Mom Can’t Stay At Their Apartment And She’s Asking The Internet If She’s Justified

A 25-year-old woman currently lives with a female roommate the same age as her, and they’ve been living in their apartment for 6 months.
They actually both work as nurses, though in separate hospitals, and they have been good friends since they met 5 years ago in nursing school.
Now, she has 2 sisters and she’s the baby. When she was only 2-years-old her mom ended up divorcing her dad and just left their whole family behind.
Since then, her dad has become a single dad to all of them, and she thinks he is just wonderful and one of her best friends.
Back in October, her dad came to visit her, and because he lives 2 hours away from her place, she really wanted him to be able to stay at her apartment for a few days.
When she approached her roommate to ask if he could stay at their apartment, her roommate insisted he had to stay in a nearby hotel.
“I figured she didn’t want the apartment cramped (we’ve never had guests stay for that long), and my dad said he didn’t mind. So the two of us stayed at the hotel for the weekend,” she explained.
“Fast forward to now, my friend informed me that her mom is coming to visit and is planning on staying a week…. At our apartment.”
“I was confused and said, “she’s not staying at ___ hotel?” And she pretty much said what I told her about how I planned for my dad to stay.”
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Well, her dad was only visiting her for 2 nights in a row, and her roommate’s mom is coming for an entire week.
“She told me that having my dad stay and having her mom stay is completely different because it’s a female and not a male,” she said.
“I got really upset with her statement. My dad has always been so nice and welcoming to her. He and I will meet halfway for dinner once a month, and my roommate has gone with us on several occasions.”
Her roommate never was honest with her by saying her dad being male was the issue with him staying at their apartment.
Additionally, she and her roommate both have invited male guests to stay at their place before, so she finds her roommate’s reason confusing.
“I got really upset with my roommate and told her that I didn’t want her mom to stay at our apartment and she needed to stay at the hotel like my dad had to do,” she continued.
“My roommate is now mad at me, but I feel like I’m justified in being upset at the double standard.”
Here’s what the internet had to say.
“…You and your roommate need to work on your communication and establish rules for guests that you both need to follow.”
“If she is uncomfortable having men stay over (which likely has nothing to do with your dad as an individual), that’s valid, but she should have told you that initially and you two could have discussed it.”
“But she has now drawn a “no guests” line in the sand and has to stick with it.”
“She created the rule, only fair it applies to her too.”
“Pretend your dad has last-minute plans close to you guys soon and he is going to stay one night at your place.”
“If she says no then her mom better stay her a** at a hotel! Lol but seriously, like you said she has met/been around him before so IDK why she had a problem with it.”
“You asked her why and she said because the apartment would be cramped, she has to work, didn’t want you to keep her awake but didn’t mention anything about him being your dad.”
“UNTIL later when you didn’t want her mum to stay and then all of the sudden, it’s because he’s a male.”
“I call bs on that, she didn’t want him there because it was inconvenient for her but she doesn’t care if she put you in the same situation for an even longer period of time.”
“A week is a very long time to have a guest stay in your apartment if you have a roommate, regardless of the guest’s gender.”
“It is inconsiderate for her to impose a guest on you for that long. A two-night guest is a different story, IMHO.”
“What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Your roommate can not have two standards one that applies to your family and one that applies to her family.”
“She did not want your father to stay in your apartment, she can’t expect you to be okay with her mother staying.
“She may be mad but she set the precedent. So let her sulk, it’s all her own doing.”
You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.
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