
She Was Diagnosed With A Progressive Genetic Disorder And She’s Asking The Internet If It Was Wrong Of Her To Decline Genetic Counseling Since She Doesn’t Want To Have Kids

“My brother is threatening to never let me see his kids if I don’t do the session,” she concluded.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“It’s your brother’s unborn child; if he and his wife are so damned concerned, THEY can do the testing and counseling. If they aren’t willing to do it themselves, then they aren’t really concerned.”


“Honest to god, the entitlement of this brother and SIL demanding someone else pay and do the work.”


“…Your whole family has many loose screws if they think this is your problem. The person who is contributing DNA to the child should be the one…who tests their DNA?”

“I feel like I’m having a stroke just typing that out. The bar here gets lower and lower.”


“Hello, genetic counselor here! GC sessions include a lot of different aspects and can include how things are inherited but also includes a conversation about appropriate management that a nongenetic provider might not be as well suited to help with.”

“But one thing a counselor would emphasize to you is that your genetic testing is NOT informative for your brother and testing for him would be recommended anyways to actually confirm he has the same genetic change as you.”

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