She Went Through Her Boyfriend’s Phone And Found Out That His Ex-Girlfriend Recently Sent Him Naked Photos Of Herself

A 37-year-old woman has been dating her 33-year-old boyfriend for several months now, but she recently made a discovery on his phone that has her thinking of ending their relationship.

This past summer, her boyfriend added her face to his iPhone so that she could access it, and he made it into a big deal as that was the beginning of them getting very serious in their relationship.

Her boyfriend told her that he had absolutely nothing to hide from her, which is why he added her face to his phone.

The only time she’s used her face to access his phone is to play music on his phone when they’ve hung out, and that was it.

Over Christmas, she went to visit her family for a week, and her boyfriend spent that time with his own family.

While she was spending time with her family, she found her boyfriend’s behavior to be irritable and distant.

Due to that, she didn’t spend a lot of time talking to him or texting him, but when she got home to him, he started behaving normally again.

They spent New Year’s with each other, and during that time, her boyfriend was trying to show her something on social media.

As he was doing so, she noticed that in the search bar, he had looked up his ex-girlfriend recently.

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“He kind of did this hiding thing and immediately closed out,” she explained. “That threw up a flag for me.”

“While he napped, temptation got the best of me and I looked. No text thread from his ex BUT his camera roll had like 10 nudes of her, pictures and video that were saved to his phone like two days before I came home.”

She confronted her boyfriend about the photos of his ex, and he denied knowing that they were on his phone.

Eventually, he owned up to them being in his phone but kept insisting that they were automatically saved to his photos, which she knew was a complete lie because she’s very tech-savvy.

“Finally, he copped to getting them and saving them BUT only because she sent them out of the blue and they sent all tiny so he had to save them to his phone to see what it was,” she said.

“He’s claiming complete innocence and that his ex just sent him those to sabotage his relationship with me.”

“Lastly, he said he was lonely that night and did talk to her but she still sent him those pics unsolicited.”

She thinks her boyfriend is trying to manipulate her, and since this conversation between them happened, her boyfriend is trying to get her to just forget about the photos and continue on like nothing ever happened.

She doesn’t think she can just forgive and forget when it comes to this, but she’s unsure about ending things with her boyfriend since she will be lonely without him.

How would you deal with this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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