This Guy Threw Out His Autistic Best Friend’s Blanket Because His Friend’s Girlfriend Asked Him To And Now He’s Asking The Internet If He Is In The Wrong

A guy has a 24-year-old best friend who is autistic, but high functioning. His friend does have a great job that pays him well, he’s quite handsome, and he does well socially.

“However, he has a secret only me and his girlfriend know,” he explained. “He keeps a security blanket in his room and talks and hugs with it.”

“He says the blanket got him throughout traumatic moments in his childhood kinda like that character from the cartoon Peanuts.”

“Well I don’t mind what he does but this blanket has been straining his relationship with his girlfriend of 1 year.”

His best friend’s girlfriend feels like he pays more attention to his blanket than he does to her anytime he gets stressed.

“She tells me he gives more love to the blanket when he’s stressed out and she feels like he loves the blanket more than her,” he said.

His best friend’s girlfriend asked him to take the blanket and throw it out while his best friend was working, so he did that.

He drove the blanket to a nearby dumpster, tossed it in there, and left.

His best friend later came home from work that day, and he sat him down along with his best friend’s girlfriend.

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They admitted to him that they got rid of his blanket, and his best friend started sobbing. His best friend then locked himself inside of a room, and he has not come out in two days.

His best friend is not speaking to anybody, and he’s not going to work. His best friend is still in his room, and he is not answering any of his phone calls.

“Am I in the wrong in this?” he asked. “I feel like he should take responsibility in this relationship considering he is an adult.”

“Me and his GF agree he shouldn’t be fixating on this object and move on from his childhood.”

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“The blanket was his coping mechanism, something that is highly encouraged by therapists to find. I cannot believe you did that. He deserves so much better than the two of you.”


“I have a stuffed husky plushy from my childhood. I had him since I was 6 years old and I love the stupid thing so much! He is dirty and smelly and the fur is tangled, but this dog has caught all of my feelings through all of these years.”

“All of my tears, all of my stress from being bullied, from my dysfunctional family home, everything. I could pretend that I had one friend that listens to me without judging.”

“I slept with the plushy until I was 28. Every night I would snuggle up with it.”

“And then it took me 6 more years to have it in my bed without snuggling until I was ready to have it in a closet. It still comes out when I am crying badly, but I don’t talk to it anymore.”

“If anybody would throw it away, I would throw the person out of my life. I have a deep connection to this plush. I am aware that it is not a person and that it is a coping thing, but it worked and it helped me a lot.”


“I cannot believe that his GF was jealous of a blanket.”


“I’m not autistic, but I have something similar. I’m 30 years old, it comforts me and hurts literally no one.”

“I would be devastated to lose it, let alone have it thrown away by someone who’s supposed to care about me.”


“What a HORRIBLE thing to do!! You are a bad friend and she is a bad girlfriend! I have no idea if there is even a way to make this right, but if there is, it starts with a groveling, sincere apology.”


“You’re also an idiot. How did you let someone convince you to do her dirty work for her? She tells you the blanket is stupid and you’re like, “That’s right! I should betray my friend’s trust!”

“Lots of people hold on to embarrassing sentimental things from childhood.”


“So his girlfriend is jealous of a blanket and you decided it was fine to trash something deeply personal and important to him because she asked you to? You’re not his friend…”


“This makes me think you have a thing for his GF, otherwise why would you ever go out of your way to intentionally hurt someone you are friends with?”

“…She used you to do her self-absorbed dirty work.”


In the end, and after hearing what the internet had to say, he knew that what he did was wrong. He ended up driving back to the dumpster and digging through it to find the blanket.

Now, he’s trying to get it professionally cleaned so he can give it back to his best friend.

You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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