
Her Brother Is Engaged To The Mean Girl Who Tormented Her As A Teen And She Can’t Hide Her Dissapointment

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A young woman has a brother named John who just proposed to his girlfriend named Sydney. While this should be a happy occasion, she can’t hide her disappointment over the fact that this is the woman her brother chose.

Her brother is overjoyed that he’s engaged, and so is the rest of their family since John has always been not that into any other woman that he’s ever been in a relationship with.

John also was a “cold” and work-oriented person prior to meeting Sydney, though now he’s a new man since he’s completely “obsessed” with Sydney.

While she does really love her brother very much and wishes him nothing but happiness in life, she really dislikes Sydney with a passion.

Sydney tormented her back when she was a teen, and she has never been able to get over that point in her life.

“She was the most popular girl in school, kind of a mean girl though I wouldn’t say outright bully, but when I got my first date at 13, Sydney dumped water over me in a bathroom stall as a “prank” and I hated her for the rest of middle/high school,” she explained.

Since that incident, Sydney didn’t try any more mean tactics, but she was completely impolite to her.

Sydney has attempted to apologize to her lately, though Sydney wasn’t really willing to take responsibility for what she did and she downplayed everything as some kind of joke.

Recently, John mentioned some things related to wedding planning, and after she couldn’t help but roll her eyes, he wanted to know if she still completely hated Sydney.

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