
Her Brother Is Engaged To The Mean Girl Who Tormented Her As A Teen And She Can’t Hide Her Dissapointment

Well, she does, and she did tell John that, though the eye-rolling was mostly over the fact that Sydney’s dad is super rich and John was talking about how he’s willing to fly them on a private jet to a vacation house they have.

After admitting she hates Sydney all these years later, she attempted to make up for that by letting John know that she does love him…but she will never be thrilled about who he proposed to.

“He said I was being a d**** and it was just a prank when she was a kid and if I cared about him I’d be happy for him,” she said.

“My other two siblings are on John’s side and said I should have at least lied and I should be more focused on how happy he is now than on her “prank.”

She’s left wondering if she was wrong for being so honest with her brother. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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