She Just Learned That Her Boyfriend Is Actually Married And She’s Wondering If She Should Let His Wife Know That He’s Cheating

A 22-year-old woman began dating a 30-year-old man 10 months ago. Her boyfriend was the one who really made an effort to get her to officially date him.
“His behavior used to be incredibly strange,” she explained. “I thought maybe I’m just being paranoid due to all the hurt experienced during the past.”
“Ignored all of my worries and still kept talking to him — started noticing things like him only being available after 8 pm.”
She then started to realize that he was being weird when she talked to him on the phone. She could hear her boyfriend telling a woman in the background on the other end that he was talking with his mom or his sister; not his girlfriend.
Another red flag that she saw was that her boyfriend would go long stretches of time without speaking to her, and then pop back up as if there was nothing wrong with that.
Eventually, her boyfriend told her that he was “living with an older woman” since he had no other options for a living situation.
He also mentioned that this older woman’s house was not far from where he worked and that he didn’t want this woman to know about her.
Then, her boyfriend started accusing her of opposing the love that they had and withholding affection from him.
He also accused her of not wanting to be in an exclusive relationship with him, or wanting to see him after the hours of 8 p.m., which was crazy because he was the one never available after that time every night.

Liubov Levytska –
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She was beginning to doubt that she did want to be exclusively in a relationship with her boyfriend because he definitely was hiding something.
She then learned that her boyfriend lied about his name, and when she used his phone number to find him on social media she could clearly see that he was married.
“Right now, he’s ghosting and giving me the silent treatment until I come to my “senses” smh,” she said.
“Usually he always comes back over and over again. Not this time — blocked him via phone company! Feeling tempted to tell his wife but don’t know if it’s the right thing to do or not.”
She feels remorseful and stupid for not knowing his behavior all along was one red flag after another.
Do you think she should tell his wife about his cheating ways?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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