
She’s Interested In A Guy Who’s Close To 2 Decades Older Than Her And She’s Not Sure How To Handle This

She had no intention of going to David’s house since she likes to go slow and not jump right into anything physical, which she explained to David.

David completely understood where she was coming from, and he did let her know that he was interested in seeing her again to take her out on a date.

“We’ve only just met each other and I always prefer to take dating really slowly, but I’m excited about the thought of getting to know him more as a person,” she said.

“I think it would be naive of me though to totally disregard our huge age gap (28 and 45) and the fact that we might be in totally different places in our lives.”

While she has dated some guys who were somewhat older, it was never more than 7 years older than her.

Given the fact that David is pushing 2 decades older than she is, she’s not quite sure how to handle this.

Do you think she should pursue things with David, even though he’s 17 years older than she is, or is that too big of an age gap to make a relationship work?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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