
Back In High School, Her Boyfriend Gave Up 2 Children For Adoption But He Kept This A Secret From Her

alfa27 - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 29-year-old woman thought she knew everything there was to know about her boyfriend, but she recently learned he kept an enormous secret from her throughout the duration of their 2-year relationship.

She and her boyfriend have both agreed to remain childfree. She doesn’t want kids of her own, as she had to raise her 8 younger siblings all alone, and quite frankly, that was enough parenting for her.

She’s looking forward to now being able to live her life on her own terms and do whatever she wants.

“My boyfriend is child-free because he said he never wanted kids and never saw himself as a dad,” she explained.

“He was the one to even initiate the topic saying it was important that he not enter a relationship with someone that wanted kids which I loved since before him EVERY single guy I’ve ever been with wanted children so I just felt like I would have to compromise and have kids in order to experience that love.”

A month ago, she found out that her boyfriend is hardly childfree. She began noticing that her boyfriend was doing his best to prevent her from seeing what he was doing on his phone, and he was no longer answering calls in front of her.

Then, she saw one evening on his laptop that he was talking to a guy named Ben and some girl in a group chat.

As she flipped through the messages between her boyfriend, Ben, and this girl, she was shocked to see that the people her boyfriend had been speaking to were referring to him as their dad.

She kept digging and found out that Ben was 12 and had reached out to her boyfriend first, claiming to be his son.

alfa27 – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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