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Her Mom Made Her Move To The Midwest While She Pursued A Relationship But Now That It’s Over Her Mom Expects Her To Move Back To Where They’re From Even Though She Already Built A Life For Herself

Oleg Gekman - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 22-year-old girl has a mom who is 50, and about 4 years ago, her mom made her move to the Midwest so she could pursue a relationship with a guy.

At the time, she and her mom were living in Texas, which is where their family lives too, and it wasn’t easy for her to just pick up and leave her life behind.

She was already in college and she had to leave everything she knew.

“It set me back finance-wise and education-wise but now I’m finally in a spot where I feel normal,” she explained.

“I have built myself a small community. I have a job in my desired career field, I just graduated, and I’m living with my boyfriend; we’ve been living together for one year now and have been dating for two- his family likes me too.”

“Now that I feel like I’m finally caught up with people my age my mom has been grilling me about being selfish because I told her I wanted to stay in the Midwest and visit Texas occasionally, instead of moving to Texas.”

Her mom has constantly been attempting to guilt her into moving back to Texas, even going so far as to use their older family members as a means to get her to agree to go back.

Her mom claims that her older family members will be so concerned about her staying behind in the Midwest that it will negatively impact them, and that she’s self-centered if she doesn’t say yes to moving.

When she still didn’t relent and jump on moving back to Texas with her mom, her mom tried another tactic.

Oleg Gekman – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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