
His Wife Is Planning On Getting Cosmetic Surgery, But He’s Refusing To Help Her Recover Since He Doesn’t Support Her Decision

Utkamandarinka - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A man has a 35-year-old wife who has ended up having a lot of self-doubts due to the way she grew up.

While his wife was little, her family had a really hard time financially, but her dad worked incredibly hard to give them all a better life.

Her dad’s hard work paid off, and as his wife hit her elementary school years, her family was then more middle class.

When his wife began high school, her dad was easily bringing in 7 figures a year with the company he had, and so his wife went to a brand new school where she couldn’t help but look around and compare herself to all these girls who had come from money all along.

His wife’s insecurities didn’t stop as she left high school though; they intensified 7 years ago when her dad left her mom for someone new, and someone only 2 years older than she is.

His wife has been left feeling that her dad’s new wife is super gorgeous and she’s not, which makes her feel uncomfortable being around her.

“My wife has always been jealous of this specific woman due to her having a lot of qualities my wife wishes she could have,” he explained. “I have done my best to support her.”

Not too long ago, his sister-in-law had cosmetic surgery done, and his wife was so impressed that the work she had done looks “natural.”

His sister-in-law then remarked that she feels more comfortable spending time with their stepmom since she upgraded herself in the looks department.

Utkamandarinka – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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