He Feels Disrespected By His Sister After She Violated His One Rule For Babysitting

JenkoAtaman - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
JenkoAtaman - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This thirty-seven-year-old man leads a simple life. He is currently single, does not have any children, and works from home. His pride and joy are his two German Shepherd pups.

But, he comes from a big family. He has four sisters who collectively have ten children. So, the man graciously looks after his nieces and nephews a lot.

“Since I work from home, I am pretty much always available to watch the older ones. And, when they need care for the little ones, I just move my schedule around a bit,” the man explained.

The system had been running like a well-oiled machine until yesterday when his only house rule was completely disregarded.

While babysitting four of the children– ages three, five, seven, and eight– the man stepped away to make them some drinks in the kitchen.

After returning to the living room where he left the kids, the man discovered chocolate crumbs all over the place.

“I only have one super strict rule at my house: no chocolate. It is deadly for dogs, I don’t like it anyway, and the kids can easily go an afternoon without it,” the man said.

Nonetheless, the man discovered his nieces and nephews had been sneaking chocolate into his home for a long time.

In fact, the seven and eight-year-olds actually admitted that their mom always left them with chocolate. Then, all the kids would “eat it in secret.”

JenkoAtaman – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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After learning about that, the man felt utterly disrespected. His entire family knew that his only request was no chocolate in the house. So, once his sister arrived to pick up the kids, he blew up.

“She said that her kids are big enough not to make a chocolate mess, and I told her I am never babysitting for her again,” the man said.

His sister became furious and believed that he was totally out of line. The man’s mom and other sisters also agree that he overreacted.

Now, the man is left pondering the situation. He loves seeing his nieces and nephews but is upset that his siblings completely disregarded his only request after constantly babysitting for them.

If you were the man, would you feel disrespected, too? Or is he overreacting to children just wanting some sweets?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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