He Just Learned That His Dad Has Been Spying On The Girl Who Lives Next Door To Them

A 22-year-old guy has a dad who is 55, and yesterday, he asked his dad if it would be alright to borrow his camera.
He used to really like photography and snapping photos, so he was hoping to get back into the hobby that he previously had.
His dad was happy to offer up his camera for him to use, and as soon as his dad handed it to him, he went back to his bedroom.
He then opened up the gallery on his dad’s camera, and what he saw was pretty alarming.
“There, I could see a lot of videos of our neighbor’s daughter taken from one of our rooms from where you can see her window and into her room,” he explained.
He was not able to open up each individual video, which led him to believe his dad had to have deleted them off the camera, but he could quite clearly see every single little thumbnail image.
Multiple videos his dad had taken were of their neighbor’s daughter in the nighttime, while others were videoed from the daytime.
In every single one, the girl next door was the main focus. Well, she technically lives in an apartment that is located directly across the street from them.
“In some of them, she was even only in her bra,” he said. “There’s only one video that I could play and it was of her doing something on her phone.”

papa – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
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“Like a 3-second zoomed-in video of her, that was taken pretty recently. I legit don’t know what to do rn, and I feel so disgusted.”
He really does not know this girl who lives near them at all, and he guesses that she could be as young as 17 or as old as 25.
He does live with his mom as well as his dad, and he’s considering telling his mom about what his dad did.
His mom and dad forever take each other’s sides, so he’s not sure his mom will take a stand against him.
He’s left wondering what to do, and how to even bring this to his mom’s attention. What would you do if you were him?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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