Her Fiancé Totally Wants To Join A Specific Organization That She Believes Is Just A Cult, So She’s Seriously Concerned

Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Half a year ago, a 27-year-old girl was thrilled when her 27-year-old fiancé got down on one knee and proposed to her.

Several days after the proposal, she walked into the house and found her fiancé seated at their dining room table with 2 people there with him.

At first, she wasn’t sure who these people were, but then she realized there were 2 missionaries trying to convince her fiancé to join their organization.

“I figured he’d been “duped” into chatting with them,” she explained. “He’s a pushover and has a hard time telling people “no.” After they left, we laughed about it.”

“I assumed he thought it was as goofy an experience as I did.”

In the months after entering her home and finding this strange situation going on around her dinner table, she was surprised to find out that her husband continued seeing these 2 people.

She initially thought that her fiancé had a lot of curiosity surrounding them and their organization, so she had no problem with him wanting to find out more.

Then, she came home on multiple occasions to her fiancé sitting there and reading different books with these people in her house.

She began to become uneasy about all of this, and she expressed to her fiancé that she was not down to be part of this organization.

Drobot Dean – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Considering the fact that her fiancé works from home and has a hard time making friends, she feels like that’s behind his heavy interest in this new organization.

“I’m losing him… to what I consider a cult,” she said. “I don’t know what to do. He’s like a shadow of himself, and all he wants to talk about is…why I need to join him, how we could be together forever this way.”

“I am beyond being able to reason with him. I think I need to leave him if we can’t agree on this, but I also hate to see him get pulled into this.”

She has already expressed her worries to his loved ones, and she is convinced the next step is to have a chat with him and all of them so they can tell him what they are so worried about.

If he moves forward with officially joining this organization, she knows she cannot actually marry him and stay in his life.

“If he doesn’t leave it behind, then I have to leave him,” she pointed out.

Do you think having some kind of an intervention with his loved ones might help him understand why they are so upset and save her relationship with him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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