
Her Mom Hasn’t Supported Her Dreams of Going To Medical School, So She Doesn’t Want Her At Her Graduation

contrastwerkstatt - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Everyone has those big life moments and events that they want to share with their family and those who have supported them through the journey.

But sometimes there are those people that only have negative things to say.

A 22-year-old woman finished her undergrad program and was applying to med schools and a graduate program.

Though she applied a little late, she got wait listed for the med schools and got accepted to the grad program.

She called her mom after an interview for one of the programs and updated her on what she was leaning toward as her next step.

Her mother was against her going to grad school and went on about how she wasn’t good enough.

She then went on to say, “you should just stop trying to go to medical school and work since you’ve failed already.”

When she said that, I stopped her immediately and said “I’m not having this discussion with you. I’m hanging up. Bye.” And I hung up.” she said.

She decided not to talk to her mother the rest of the week, and apparently, her mother ignored her birthday as well.

contrastwerkstatt – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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