He’s A Former Preschool Teacher With A Hilarious PSA On Why You Shouldn’t Share Your Private Life With Your Kids

If you’ve ever been around a group of pre-schoolers, you know that they will say whatever pops into their heads.

That also includes repeating things they hear.

One former preschool teacher has taken to TikTok to share several stories of preschoolers saying the most obscure things that you’ve ever heard come out of a child’s mouth.

Growing up in a large family, there was always a sense of honesty, especially when my mother took care of other children as a daycare provider.

There was a phrase my family used that fits fairly well for this article. “You can always trust two things, to be honest, a pre-schooler and a drunk person.”

It’s an interesting phrase, to say the least, but it does speak some truth.

The TikToker shares little stories from his time as a pre-school teacher. Mr.Hills has shared 69 videos sharing things that students have said to him.

He always prefaces the video with the same phrase. “As a former Pre-K teacher, watch what you say and do around your kids cause they come back, and they tell us,” he says.

TikTok; pictured above is Mr. Hills

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In his latest video, there were some very interesting things the children said. One, in particular, caught my attention.

A boy named Carlos said something quite racy for a pre-k student. “Carlos was like, Mr. did you see I was dancing with Keith’s mom,” he continued.

“I said yeah, I saw you dancing with Keith’s mom. And he was like, ‘yeah, she’s got big ole ti….. ‘ Absolutely not. No, thank you.”

“He was like, ‘oh would you smash or pass, ’cause I’ll smash’ Absolutely not… Where’s your mom. Ms… come get your son, please.”

Now, if this was me as a teacher, I would be utterly shocked at a young boy saying this about another student’s mother.

But thinking of all the things children are exposed to, it’s not surprising that they say some of the things that they say.

Granted, growing up with younger kids around all the time, there was no one time where it was completely quiet unless everyone was taking a nap or it was the middle of the night.

I thought the things those kids said were very different than the stories Mr. Hills shares.

If you heard a young child talking like this, what would your reaction be?

You can watch Mr. Hills’ videos on TikTok here.

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