He’s Thinking Of Taking Money Out Of His Nieces’ Inheritance Since They Never Even Cared About Their Aunt Passing Away

pololia - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
pololia - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Sadly, a 39-year-old man lost his wife in a car accident a couple of years ago after spending a decade married to her.

His nieces at the time of his wife’s passing were 11-years-old and 9-years-old. He and his wife always lived an hour outside of where his family is from, so he and his wife never had the opportunity to just swing by and spend unlimited time with his nieces.

Despite that, he and his wife made sure to show up for every single one of his nieces’ birthdays to celebrate with them.

He and his wife attended every family holiday, and they also showed up at every one of the girls’ events at school.

“We eventually planned to adopt or foster kids ourselves, but until then, thought of our nieces and nephews on both sides of the family as the next best thing,” he explained.

“After my wife died, my sister and brother-in-law came to the funeral without the kids, which I totally understand. Dealing with death is a sensitive issue, and I hold absolutely no judgment for my sister deciding not to bring her kids to a wake.”

It has been years since he did have to say goodbye to his wife, and his nieces have yet to even care about his wife’s passing.

His nieces have never told him sorry for his loss, and they have never tried to hug him or do anything to show that they are grieving with him.

He feels so taken aback that his nieces never said or did anything, and yet, he and his wife did everything to be a part of their childhood.

pololia – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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The reason why he has been focused on this so much is that he is sitting down and planning his will, and he needs to think about if he would like to give all of his nieces and nephews an equal inheritance or not.

He does have 4 additional nephews and nieces aside from these 2 girls. He does have a lot of things to leave the kids, too; a condo and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“I truly don’t know what she would have wanted, but the fact that her family has been there for me more than my own is influencing my thought process,” he said.

He’s really leaning towards leaving everything he owns to his wife’s family instead of including his own nieces over their behavior.

Do you think maybe his nieces are struggling with their grief, and that’s why they haven’t said or done anything?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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