Some Guy She Goes To College With Gave Her A $2,000 Designer Bag As A Gift, But She Doesn’t Even Know Him That Well

GTeam - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
GTeam - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 23-year-old girl currently goes to college, and she has made a lot of friends there. Anytime someone in her circle has a birthday party, she and the rest of her friends will host a little party for them.

“It’s nothing special, just close friends organizing some decor, arranging a cake, and some laughs,” she explained.

“It gets crazy with the number of people as friends of friends usually join in as well.”

Yesterday happened to be her birthday and a guy that she goes to college with attended her party. She does not know this guy very well, and she would not consider him to be a friend of hers, really.

“It was my birthday yesterday, and this guy, who isn’t even a close friend, gifted me an authentic Bottega Veneta bag,” she said.

“Now that I remember, he was in one of the conversations I was having with my friend about my favorite high-end brands.”

And for those of you wondering, this particular designer bag costs a shocking $2,000.

So yes, a guy she isn’t even friends with went out of his way to get her a super expensive birthday present.

“But this guy, who I barely know, did such an extraordinary thing for me,” she continued.

GTeam – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“I don’t even know how rich he is, but I feel like returning this present because God knows his intentions behind this present.”

Speaking of intentions, she absolutely intends to return this bag to him, as she can’t accept something like this as a birthday present.

“I just want the least awkward conversation before I return this bag,” she concluded.

Why do you think this guy got her such a pricey present, and how do you think she can tell him that it’s not something she can just keep, even if it is nice?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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