The Average U.K. Guest Is Spending $1,400 Per Wedding, And They Have Some Expectations

prostooleh - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
prostooleh - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Everyone knows that brides and grooms have to shell out the big bucks for their wedding. But, have you ever considered how much your wedding guests have to spend to attend?

The most obvious expense is finding that perfect outfit. But, numerous other budget items are not considered nearly as often.

In fact, new research conducted by Steven Stone Jewelers actually revealed how expensive it is to be a wedding guest in the U.K. this year.

According to their study, guests will spend an average of one thousand and four hundred dollars per wedding in 2022.

The most costly expense guests must cover is accommodations, which average about two hundred dollars.

Afterward, the budget breakdown incorporates various other expenses– such as transportation, childcare, hair and makeup, pet sitters, the wedding gift, and more.

Plus, over three hundred and fifty thousand weddings will be held in the U.K. this year. Imagine if you have to attend two ceremonies or even three this summer.

You could be dishing out thousands of dollars before “wedding season” is even over.

So, while guests attend to support the bride and groom, they also have some expectations of their own.

prostooleh – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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According to the study, forty-three percent of guests expect dinner to be served, while thirty-five percent expect there to be some form of evening entertainment.

Twenty-seven percent of attendees also hope to receive at least one free drink at the reception, and a quarter of guests believe that receiving a “plus-one” is mandatory.

Some guests are also adamant that there should be wedding favors and even a completely free bar.

Nonetheless, about twenty-eight percent of guests admitted that they would not attend a wedding if they could not afford the overall cost.

Plus, twenty-three percent of people will not go if the ceremony is held far away, while nearly twenty percent of guests would not consider attending at all if their partner was not invited.

With all of the costs considered, do you think that these wedding guest requests are unreasonable? Or is the ceremony and reception provided by the bride and groom enough?

And to read the study’s complete findings, you can visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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