His Sister Freaked Out On His Fiancée For Wearing Perfume Around Her Newborn

A man has a sister who pretty much believes that she should be waited on hand and foot by everyone in her presence.
Her behavior is pretty outrageous, but she’s not willing to accept that if he tries to point it out to her.
When he does spend time with his sister, she also expects the other members of their family to take care of her kids while she just sits back and relaxes.
His sister also tries to get him and his fiancée to babysit her children, and she even got angry with his fiancée once after she demanded that she babysit on her birthday and his fiancée said no thanks.
A month and a half ago, his sister had her newborn, and she brought the baby with her to a wedding that their cousin had this past Saturday.
“My fiancée wore her usual perfume,” he explained. “At the reception, my sister tried to dump the baby on my fiancée again but she didn’t do so because she smelled my fiancé’s perfume.”
“She then got mad that my fiancée wore perfume and said something like “You knew you’d be around a baby and you’re wearing a heavy perfume like that?” My fiancée told her it’s a wedding, she’s allowed to wear perfume.”
“She then noticed my fiancée also has a body glitter lotion on and my sister got even madder. She called my fiancée insensitive for wearing perfume and body glitter knowing she’d have to interact with the baby at some point.”
“I told my sister that maybe she should stop trying to dump her kids onto other people, in this case, my fiancée and if other people’s scents and lotions bother her so much she should care for her own kids for once.”

Dmitry Lobanov – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
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His mom and dad are not happy with him for putting his sister in her place like that. They stuck up for his sister, insisting that her role as a mom has been incredibly difficult for her.
His parents also believe that he’s a jerk for sticking up for his fiancée and that his fiancée really should have not put on lotion and perfume so she could assist with his sister’s newborn.
Do you agree with his parents, or do you agree with him on this one?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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