This New Office Communication Tool Was Created To Support Mothers Returning To Work After Maternity Leave

wavebreak3 - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
wavebreak3 - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

According to a research study published in the American Journal of Nursing, approximately two hundred and seventy-three thousand American women go on maternity leave every single month.

Maternity leave is essential for providing mothers with enough time to recover from childbirth while also allowing them to properly bond with their newborns.

But, this intimate and positive experience often ends with a lot of anxiety about returning to work.

According to a survey conducted by the working parents’ magazine MMB, over twenty percent of women start their maternity leave already lacking confidence about their return to work.

Then, after they returned to the office, over thirty-three percent of moms reported feeling so isolated and unsupported that they considered quitting.

In fact, only eighteen percent of women felt happy and supported post-maternity leave– an extremely disappointing statistic.

The Bot Platform– a company that offers a no-code platform for communication, digital assistants, automated workflows, and more– learned of this nearly universal working mom experience and decided to do something about it.

In turn, The Reboarding Assistant was created. The tool can be connected with any existing office communication tools– such as Microsoft Teams or Workplace– and sends direct messages to selected coworkers.

These messages will welcome back new mothers, forward any re-onboarding information, and pass along updates that may have been missed during maternity leave.

wavebreak3 – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Moreover, the bot will offer other helpful information depending on the person’s leave of absence.

After returning from maternity leave, mothers will be informed of any flexible schedule policies, childcare benefits, groups for new parents, and where it is safe to pump in the office.

But, the bot does not stop after a new mom’s initial return. It will continue checking in on them to ensure they feel supported and provided with numerous opportunities to ask for help if needed.

By using a bot, returning moms might feel more comfortable sharing their needs in an un-intrusive way.

And, if a returning mom is doing just fine, they can simply give the go-ahead that they no longer need check-ins.

To learn more about The Bot Platform’s new Reboarding Assistant, you can visit their website linked here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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