
Video Games Have Ruined This Woman’s Relationship

BullRun - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

When you are in a relationship, being okay with spending time alone– and doing things that you personally enjoy– is very important. But, at what point does the partnership start feeling disconnected and dull?

One woman has been dating her boyfriend for a few years now, and she believes their relationship has become utterly boring.

He enjoys gaming– an activity that she is not super interested in. But, she never had a problem with him playing during his free time. Plus, she would even sometimes join him in an effort to bond.

Now, though, gaming is taking over their relationship. It is all the boyfriend wants to do anymore– and he is even canceling their plans for it.

Most recently, the couple was invited on a couples retreat by a few friends. At first, the boyfriend was pumped about it. But then, things changed, and he backed out.

“His reason is that he isn’t a ‘people person,'” the woman explained.

And while a bit of social anxiety is understandable, the boyfriend will not even engage in outings with just his girlfriend.

For example, he denies taking trips to the store to get out of the house and refuses to even watch a movie instead of gaming.

“It will literally be like three or four in the morning before he gets off of the game, and I have to be at work at six. We literally do not do anything,” the woman said.

BullRun – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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