
He Raised His Cousin From The Time She Was 4-Years-Old, But Now That She’s 18, His Fiancée Wants Him To Kick Her Out

New Africa - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This twenty-nine-year-old man currently lives with his pregnant fiancée, Sara, and his eighteen-year-old cousin, Mira.

But, he has far from a traditional cousin relationship with Mira. Instead, when she was four years old, her parents were extremely negligent.

So, once he was twenty years old, he took Mira in and basically raised her.

“While she calls me by name– and calls me her cousin– for all intents and purposes, we have a father-daughter relationship,” he explained.

And while he knew that Sara and Mira did not get along too well at first, he thought that the pair would eventually come around. That, unfortunately, never happened, though.

Instead, Mira approached him crying and apologizing out of the blue just a few days ago. She apparently claimed to be sorry for being a burden and hurting him and said she would move out.

But, he had absolutely no clue what Mira was talking about. So, he tried to calm Mira down and eventually asked what had gotten into her– and she spilled the beans.

“Sara told her that she is old enough to move out and stop being a burden on me, that she needs to stop taking advantage of my kindness,” he explained.

And learning this seriously pissed him off. He first comforted Mira and reassured her that he would never kick her out. Then, he immediately confronted Sara, which sparked a massive argument.

New Africa – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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