She’s Been Working On Getting Back Together With Her Boyfriend, But After He Said He Has No Interest In Having Children Or Getting Married, She’s Not Sure They Will Last

dariyad - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
dariyad - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 29-year-old woman broke up with her 32-year-old boyfriend several months ago after spending a long time in a relationship with him.

Although they did break up, they have been working on getting back into a relationship with one another, but she has been moving quite hesitantly towards this.

Her boyfriend has always had a tendency to react too strongly over minor things, and that has given her pause with jumping right back into dating him.

A second thing her boyfriend used to do was make her feel bad any time she expressed feeling less than happy.

Not too long ago, she attended a wedding with her boyfriend for one of his friends, and what he told her on the way to the wedding made her really stop to consider if their relationship will ever last.

“Anyway, we were out at his friend’s wedding, and on the way there, he said, “I’d never get married, the woman always ends up financially better off than the man, I would never do it,” and “I will probably never have a successful relationship,” she explained.

“You’ve just invited me as a plus one to your best friends wedding, you don’t see us ever having a successful relationship?”

That’s not something she wanted to hear, and it’s not something she expected her boyfriend to ever say to her.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the following day he admitted to her that he did not want to be a dad or have children.

dariyad – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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She is obviously not on the same page with her boyfriend, and she really does want to be able to get married and have her own children at some point in her life.

“I feel really hurt, almost like he doesn’t want those things with me,” she said. “I can’t even bring myself to talk to him. I do love him, but I can’t imagine never getting married or having children.”

She’s aware that if she does attempt to discuss all of this with her boyfriend, he’s going to blow up and not want to have a conversation.

She’s curious about how to broach these topics without getting a severely negative reaction from him.

Do you have any ideas?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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