
She Got Her Former Mother-In-Law Suspended From Social Media For Photoshopping Her Kids In Pictures, So Now Her Ex And His Entire Family Hates Her

Halfpoint - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 26-year-old woman has 5 children with her ex-husband; the oldest is 8, while the youngest is 2.

Every other weekend, her children spend time with her ex-husband’s parents.

Her kids adore getting to spend time with her ex-in-laws, and her kids always have a great time when they’re over there.

Although that’s all well in good, she has an enormous problem with her former mother-in-law.

“She has a HUGE obsession with the blonde hair and blue-eyed aesthetic, and I feel like she may consider that the beauty standard,” she explained.

“My eldest daughter and son have both of those things, but my 3 other kids, not so much…my twins are blonde with brown eyes, and my youngest daughter has blue eyes and is a brunette.”

“My MIL is a big social media poster and posts my children all the time but mostly my eldest daughter and son. I noticed that, but I just let it go but it really bothered me.”

She then began to notice that every time her former mother-in-law does share photos of her 3 other children who don’t have blonde hair and blue eyes, her former mother-in-law will put filters on the photos.

She decided not to confront her former mother-in-law about this, though, but then when her former mother-in-law started sharing photos of her other 3 children that clearly were photoshopped, she couldn’t stay quiet any longer.

Halfpoint – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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