
Her Sister Bought A $700 Automatic Litter Box, But Her Cat Hated It, So The Cat Has Been Going To The Bathroom On All Of Her Belongings, And She Told Her Sister To Either Get Rid Of The Litter Robot Or Lock Up The Cat

So, after allowing the defecation madness to go on for too long, she ended up giving her sister a final ultimatum.

She said that either her sister gets rid of the litter robot and goes back to an old school litter box. Or, the cat will need to be kept locked in her sister’s room until the situation is fixed.

Surprisingly, though, her sister did not really see any problem with the current state of their place or the cat’s behavior.

Instead, her sister just got annoyed and actually told her she should be more diligent about keeping her bedroom and bathroom doors closed!

And aside from that response being somewhat ridiculous in and of itself, she also pointed out a few key details that are the icing on the cake.

First of all, she does always try to shut the door to every room. But she is human, and sometimes she forgets.

Second, even if she forgets to close the door, she claims her forgetfulness does not magically put her to blame for the litter box situation.

“The problem lies with her litter robot and her cat using my room and things as a litter box. I shouldn’t have to worry about if I accidentally left a door open,” she vented.

Finally, she underscored how the problem was literally caused by her sister since her sister decided to try out something new that ended up failing miserably.

So, she believes it is entirely her sister’s responsibility to rectify the issue quickly without being an inconvenience to others who live in the same space.

On top of all of that, she specifically has a very nice purple mattress that does not have a removable zipper cover. In turn, all it takes is her sister’s cat peeing on it just once for the entire mattress to be ruined and for her to be out literally thousands of dollars.

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