After Her Boyfriend Accused His Friend’s Girlfriend Of Being A Gold Digger, She Pointed Out That He Was Being Hypocritical And A “Gold Digger” By His Own Standards

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman has a boyfriend named Aiden, and Aiden has a best friend named Daniel. For whatever reason, though, Aiden apparently really dislikes Daniel’s girlfriend, Lila.

Now, she claims to have no clue why Aiden despises Lila so much. Her guess is that since Aiden and Daniel were both sorts of outcasts during high school, he kind of adopted an “us against the world” perspective with his only friend at the time– who was Daniel.

Then, once Lila entered Daniel’s life, it became clear to Aiden that his best friend’s new girl was the complete opposite.

According to her, Lila is nothing like an outcast but is instead a very outgoing, lively, and bubbly girl who has tons of friends.

More recently, her boyfriend, Aiden, has also taken on a new reason to dislike Lila. And it all began with a vacation.

Apparently, Daniel decided to take Lila on an all-expenses paid trip out of the country. So, for some reason, this pushed Aiden to start ranting about how Lila was just a gold digger who was using Daniel for his money.

Now, she claims that she tried to explain to her boyfriend that Daniel deciding to take his girlfriend on vacation does not make the girlfriend a “gold-digger.” According to her, though, Aiden just could not be reasoned with.

And honestly, that really annoyed her, too. After all, her family had taken Aiden on “countless” vacations, completely free of charge, back when they were both attending college.

In fact, her boyfriend reportedly went on over fifteen vacations with her and her family, most of which were to different countries.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In turn, she decided to point that fact out to Aiden in hopes of opening his eyes a bit. Shockingly, though, her boyfriend claimed that those instances were different, that he only “went for her.”

“So that I have more fun with him there with me, and we can build shared memories,” she added.

She really did not see how that was any different from what Daniel and Lila were trying to do, though. After all, Daniel could afford to take Lila along with him, and he would have more fun with Lila there. Plus, the couple would undoubtedly make some wonderful memories together.

Then, she ended up saying that if that makes Lila a gold digger, then Aiden must be a gold digger, too, by his own standards.

Now, that comparison seriously upset Aiden. In fact, he actually became very angry at her, claimed to be extremely disappointed, and said it was hurtful to know she viewed him like that.

Plus, her boyfriend seems to think that she actually accused him of being a gold digger rather than just trying to point out an error in his reasoning.

Anyway, this whole argument has since started to make her feel pretty guilty. She never meant to make Aiden feel bad for going with her family on all of those trips.

“And I loved having him there,” she vented.

So, she has now been left wondering if she was wrong for trying to draw a parallel between her boyfriend and Lila and if she should apologize to her boyfriend.

Why do you think her boyfriend has it out for Lila? Is she correct that what Daniel and Lila are doing is no different than what she has done with Aiden for numerous vacations? Was she wrong for making that comparison, or did her boyfriend need to realize that he was being hypocritical? Would you apologize if you were in this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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