After She Got Married, Her Parents Made Her And Her Husband Sleep Separately, So When Her Parents Visited, She Gave Them A Taste Of Their Own Medicine, And Her Parents Were Furious

Hoda Bogdan - illustrative purposes only
Hoda Bogdan - illustrative purposes only

After this 29-year-old woman graduated from high school, she decided to study at a college abroad.

Then, once she earned her degree, she decided not to move back home but rather stay abroad. And while living there, she met a man who would later become her husband.

They dated for three years before he officially proposed, and they tied the knot in 2022. But, before she and her husband got married, they would frequently visit her parents together.

“And they would never visit me,” she noted.

In fact, the only time that her parents ever traveled to see her abroad was for her wedding.

Nonetheless, she thought that everything went great the first time her parents met her soon-to-be husband. So, once they were officially wed and everything settled down following the wedding, she decided to take her husband to her hometown.

Now, the plan had been for her and her husband to stay at her parent’s house. However, as soon as they arrived, her father had some questionable sleeping arrangements.

Apparently, he quickly informed her that she and her husband needed to sleep in separate rooms because he “did not want any funny business.”

And understandably, she was really frustrated by that and started an argument with her father over the separate bedroom rule.

Hoda Bogdan – illustrative purposes only

It did not really get her anywhere, though, and her husband was eventually forced to help calm her down. He also reportedly said it was okay and did not mind sleeping separately.

So, in the end, she and her husband ultimately shortened their visit from ten to five days.

“Because it was frustrating for me that my marriage was not respected or my relationship and that I am an adult,” she vented.

She also revealed how, ever since that visit, her relationship with her dad had been kind of awkward.

Still, following this past New Year’s Eve, her parents asked to visit her and her husband abroad. So, prior to their arrival, she decided to concoct a plan intended to give her parents a taste of their own medicine.

More specifically, as soon as her parents arrived, she informed them that they would be staying in separate rooms.

If you could not have guessed, her parents did not take that news well. But, as soon as her father started to argue with the rule, her husband– who had been in on the plan– decided to chime in.

“My husband said he didn’t want any funny business going on,” she recalled. How savage!

At that point, her father reportedly “shut up.” But her mom accused her and her husband of being total brats.

Then, her parents grabbed their bags and left her house. She and her parents also have not spoken ever since.

Her sister has since learned about what transpired, though, and also decided to butt in. Apparently, her sister called her and accused her of being a real jerk for treating their parents like that.

Quite honestly, though, she just does not agree. It is her belief that in life, how much respect you give is how much respect you receive. So, she feels like her parents really deserved it.

But her sister’s comments have still been in the back of her mind. So now, she has been left wondering whether forcing her parents to sleep in separate rooms as payback was the wrong thing to do or not.

Is it customary for married couples to sleep separately? Why do you think her parents expected that from her and her husband? Did she have a right to expect the same from her parents? If you had been in her shoes, would you have also sought revenge?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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