She Was Woken Up In The Middle Of The Night By 2 Strange Men Who Were In Her Apartment

Can you imagine being woken up in the middle of the night by strange voices in your living room? I don’t even like thinking about being in that kind of situation.
One woman shared a story about when she had to call the police after waking up to realize that strangers had entered her apartment without permission.
A few years ago, she lived in an apartment with a coworker. They were both managers at a movie theater and typically weren’t home at the same time due to their different schedules.
One Saturday night, her roommate was working a closing shift and wasn’t due to get home until around 2:00 AM.
That night, she woke up from sleep to people talking in her living room. It wasn’t her roommate’s voice; it was the voice of two men who were talking in a hushed but aggressive tone.
“I knew that my roommate wouldn’t have people over so late without at least sending me a text,” she explains.
“We had a team-building event the next day at 8:00 AM, so she wouldn’t have anyone over when we had to be up so early. I knew whoever it was was not supposed to be in my apartment.”
Completely freaked out, she stayed in her room and called the police. She gave them her address and was told there were officers close by.
Once the police arrived, they noticed that her door was wide open and encouraged her to leave the apartment as fast as possible.

koppermeen – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Moving quickly and quietly, she made her way from her bedroom to outside the apartment, where the cops were waiting for her.
She informed the police that the only other person supposed to be in her apartment was her roommate.
After searching the place and bringing her roommate out safely, the police officers asked, “So the two guys asleep on your couch shouldn’t be there?”
The police also noticed a large crack in the door frame from when the two men forced themselves in.
Once the officers escorted the men out of the apartment, the two roommates decided they wanted to press charges.
They emailed their landlord right after the incident so that they could fix the doorframe and were sent back an email that explained what had gone down that night.
As it turns out, the two men were friends of another tenant in the building. They had all gone out drinking and wanted to return to their hotel for the night.
When they couldn’t find a cab on the street, they decided to return to their “friend’s apartment,” but drunkenly broke into the wrong one.
A month later, the two roommates received handwritten apology letters from the men that were quite non-apologetic. Their story may sound silly to some, but that night traumatized this woman.
“I developed severe anxiety regarding having people break into my home that lasted a long time,” she explains.
Thankfully, she’s started to feel more secure in her home after adopting a large dog and taking anti-anxiety medication.
It’s so relieving to hear that nothing more dangerous went down that night!
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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