During An Argument, She Claimed That It Wasn’t Her Fault Her Mom Married A Toxic Man, But Now She Feels Like She Might Have Been Victim Blaming

Artem Varnitsin - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Artem Varnitsin - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman is twenty-one years old and has a pretty complicated relationship with her mother, who is fifty.

Don’t get me wrong: she is very appreciative of the fact that her mother stepped up and raised her, giving her great opportunities after her father left her family when she was just three.

But now, she really does not have the best relationship with her mom. And apparently, it is because she does not fit the definition of what her mom believes a “great daughter” is.

So, last week, they got into yet another heated argument. Then, during that fight, she ended up saying some pretty harsh words to her mom that she now wishes she could take back.

For context, the fight had to do with her ethnicity. Her father was apparently of a different ethnicity than her mother, which obviously resulted in her being born mixed.

And she claims that every single time they argue, her mother tries to throw her ethnicity in her face. For instance, her mom will say things like, “Of course, you would act like that; you are that part of that ethnicity,” or “I do not expect anything from people of that descent.”

During their most recent argument, though, her mother went even further– claiming that she still acts like “her father and his people” even though she never saw him. Then, her mom actually had the nerve to say that she “wasted all of her youth” on raising her daughter.

So, at that point, she just could not take her mother’s ridiculous comments anymore and finally snapped.

“It is not my fault you married him and had his children,” she told her mom, “Maybe you should have thought more about your decisions.”

Artem Varnitsin – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Afterward, her mom immediately started crying and left the room. Plus, ever since that incident, her mom has refused to speak to her.

In hindsight, she is also starting to feel like she was the true jerk in the situation– the reason being that she has heard stories about her father. And apparently, he was very toxic and abusive to her mom.

Anyway, now, she feels really horrible because she believes that she basically victim-blamed her mom. So, she has been left wondering whether calling her mom out was justified or if she handled the situation really badly.

Why do you think her mom tries to use her ethnicity against her during arguments? Is that ever okay, even if her mom was once in an abusive or toxic relationship? Did she have a right to call her mom out or not? How would you have reacted had you been in this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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