He Called His Girlfriend Disgusting When He Caught Her Crying And Insulting Her Own 14-Year-Old Daughter For Not Being A Popular Cheerleader Like She Was Back In High School

This 40-year-old man has a girlfriend who is 38, and his girlfriend has a 14-year-old daughter from a previous relationship who is currently a freshman in high school.
Yesterday, he arrived at his girlfriend’s house, and she was sobbing. He had no idea why she was in tears, and when he asked her how he could help, she told him that she was crying over her daughter.
“I love her daughter,” he explained. “She is the sweetest girl ever. I wish my daughters were as well-behaved as her. I have to describe her daughter.”
“She has a nice friend group, does not have trouble with bullies, and generally seems very happy. I bet you’re wondering why her mother would be crying if this was the case.”
“Her mother/my girlfriend was crying because her daughter is not the popular athlete cheerleader homecoming queen that she was in school. Her daughter marches to the beat of her own drum, which I think is the best anyone can hope for.”
He admits that his girlfriend’s daughter is nerdy, but he was shocked and appalled when his girlfriend called her a literal loser as the tears rolled down her face.
His girlfriend’s daughter loves anime and video games, and she mostly wears t-shirts that have these types of characters across the front.
But this girl is happy and has found a group of friends that share her passions; these are just not the friends his girlfriend wishes her daughter was close to.
His girlfriend kept going on and on, insulting her own daughter, but there were a few things she said that made him furious.

Valerii Honcharuk – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“Here are some quotes from her during this that turned me red: “I never would have imagined my daughter would be a dweeb,” “she needs to grow out of this before college,” and my personal favorite, “I wouldn’t have been caught dead with kids that look like that,” he said.
“I called her disgusting and told her she should be ashamed of herself. I said her daughter is happy and how would she feel to hear her mom crying about her perceived popularity. I told her how lucky she has it that her daughter doesn’t deal with a lot of the issues kids that days have.”
“This ends with her being upset with me because instead of consoling her when she was crying, I called her names. I don’t think the crying means anything. She was saying horrible things.”
He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to call his girlfriend out and tell her that she should be ashamed.
Do you think what he did was right?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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