Her Boyfriend Cuddles Routinely With One Of His Female Friends And Also Gives This Girl Foot Rubs, So She’s Growing Worried About Their Friendship

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old girl has been dating her 29-year-old boyfriend Tom for a year and a half now, and he’s always been a pretty “touchy” and generous kind of guy.

One thing she quickly picked up on was that Tom would give his friends hugs and also hold hands with them, regardless of if they happen to be male or female.

She’s not really into physical affection, to be honest, but that never was an issue for her boyfriend at all.

So, approximately 3 months ago, Tom ended up with a new coworker named Lisa, and she was shocked at how fast a friendship formed between them.

Initially, she didn’t think it was a red flag because Tom has tons of female friends, and she hates to be viewed as “controlling.”

Despite this, it did make her feel self-aware that Lisa was basically drop-dead gorgeous, but she tried her best not to let this new friendship bother her.

“But stuff is turning weird lately,” she explained. “He spends a lot of time with Lisa, they cuddle together, and he even gives her foot rubs. And when I told him about how it makes me feel weird, he said that he’s really sorry; he didn’t really realize how it would make me feel.”

“That they are just really good friends, and that’s it, and that Lisa just happened to be a very touchy person as well, so it works for them. He told me again that they are just friends and nothing more and that he loves me. He told me that he’s ready to cut off ties with Lisa if I wanted him to.”

She’s not entirely sure what to believe her, but one thing is certain; she’s worried about this friendship for sure.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She really does not want to be that girlfriend that makes her boyfriend pick between her and one of his friends, but she’s figuring it’s finally come down to this because she’s suspicious of Lisa.

Do you think she needs to make Tom ditch Lisa as a friend and set some better boundaries?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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