Her Husband Got Her A Romantic All-Inclusive Trip To Paris For Christmas, But Now Her Late Brother’s Wife Is Begging To Go And Wants Her To Ditch Her Husband

Parilov - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Parilov - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This twenty-eight-year-old woman has known her good friend, Brittany, who is also twenty-eight since they were about five or six. And to this day, they have remained super close.

Since the pair met during childhood, though, Brittany also got to be around her brother a lot, who would have been thirty this year.

Then, when they were teenagers, a romantic relationship blossomed between Brittany and her brother. Plus, the high school sweethearts even got married about five years ago.

But then, two years ago, everything changed for her and Brittany. Her brother was in a tragic accident and passed away– leaving her family devastated and leaving his wife, Brittany, in a mountain of debt.

At the time of her brother’s passing, Brittany was also eight months pregnant with their first child. So, her friend was forced to move in with her parents, and Brittany and her two-year-old daughter, Lilac, still live there to this day.

“The family alternates watching Lilac so Brittany can get her degree. Everyone has really rallied around Brittany during such a trying time,” she explained.

Ever since the holiday season ended, though, she has been stuck in a newfound stalemate with Brittany– and it all stems back to what her husband bought her for Christmas.

Apparently, on December 25, she found out that her husband had purchased an all-inclusive trip to Paris for just the two of them in order to have a romantic getaway in one of the most beautiful cities on Earth.

So, they are now set to leave in February, staying in Paris for two whole weeks, and she could not be more ecstatic.

Parilov – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I am so grateful to him for such a wonderful gift. It is honestly a dream come true,” she revealed.

After she shared the exciting news with her parents, though, they went ahead and told Brittany, also. Then, she received a strange call, and it was Brittany in a “flood of tears.”

Apparently, while on the phone, she was begged to ditch her husband and take Brittany on the trip instead.

Brittany claimed that she would never be able to experience a romantic experience like that with her own husband. Plus, Brittany pointed out how she and her husband could just go away as spouses another time.

“Brittany also said she gave up everything to raise Lilac, and she would love for us to have a girls’ trip like we did when we were younger,” she added.

Honestly, though, she was forced to tell Brittany that a girls’ trip to Paris– using her husband’s gift– was just not possible.

After all, it was such a romantic gesture from her husband, and she fully intends to experience that getaway with him.

But Brittany just did not understand her perspective at all and actually accused her of trying to punish Brittany for being a widow.

Then, she even got told it would be unfair for her to have “a love affair in Paris” while Brittany was left at home, crying at her brother’s grave.

She has since filled her husband in on the whole situation, and he firmly believes that Brittany is just trying to make her feel guilty for going away and having a good time. However, her husband did offer to back out of the trip if she preferred to take Brittany with her.

Quite frankly, though, she really just wants to go with her husband. However, even her parents are starting to call her out for wanting to enjoy the gift how it was intended.

More specifically, her parents apparently found out about her and Brittany’s conversation and later called her to claim that they would be happy to watch Lilac while Brittany went on the trip. On top of that, they also told her she should not “rub her happy marriage in Brittany’s face” and claimed that it would be really selfish of her to leave a grieving widow alone over Valentine’s Day.

So now, with her parents and Brittany all basically accusing her of being a bad person for wanting to go to Paris with her husband, she has been left wondering if refusing to take Brittany instead actually makes her a jerk or not.

Why do you think Brittany thought it was okay to ask her to ditch her husband on the trip he planned? Does it seem like she was trying to “rub her happy marriage” in Brittany’s face or just enjoy her own marriage? Can you believe her parents are accusing her of being selfish for wanting to get away with her spouse? If you were in her shoes, how would you handle this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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