
Her Husband Went On A Hike With Her During Their Tropical Vacation, But She Refused To Try Two Activities He Wanted To Do Because Of Her Motion Sickness, And Now He Is Really Disappointed In Her

“I told him that I know my body, and I know without a doubt that both of those activities would make me sick,” she recalled.

Then, she asked her husband if there were any other excursions he was interested in. Unfortunately, though, he claimed that snorkeling and dune buggy riding were the only two that really piqued his interest at the time.

In turn, her husband agreed to go on her hiking trip first. Then, he thought that they could just figure out the second activity afterward.

Anyway, the hike started out great. But, during their walk, they ended up meeting another couple who was also staying at the same resort.

Then, after they started talking, she and her husband found out that they had stayed there a few times before and had actually done both of the activities her husband was interested in.

That other couple claimed that both the snorkeling and dune buggy rides were really fun.

“But, the wife did say that the catamaran trip was pretty rough at times, and a couple of people on their trip had gotten seasick. She also said that the dune buggy was fun because you get to drive it yourself, but it’s mostly on dirt tracks that can get pretty bumpy,” she added.

So, from the way that the other couple described the activities, she already knew she would get sick from both of those activities. And as soon as she and her husband got back from the hike, she told him that.

Additionally, she begged her husband to pick out something else– anything else– that he would rather do than those two activities.

Apparently, though, her husband just was not interested in anything else. He also claimed that if she did not want to do the activities, then he would not do them, either, because he did not want to go alone.

Anyway, throughout the rest of their trip, she could tell that her husband was upset. He went from being super excited and talking about those two excursions to being way less enthusiastic.

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