Her Mother-In-Law Really Spoiled Her Daughter This Christmas, And Her Husband Thinks She Should Have Intervened To Stop It Because It Created Problems For Other Children In Their Family

Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This woman and her husband have 3 children. They have 2 sons who are 15 and 14, and a daughter, who is 11.

When her children were quite small, her mother-in-law would come over to babysit so she and her husband could go to work.

Her daughter was the littlest back then, and her mother-in-law watched her kids up until her daughter turned 4.

While babysitting, her mother-in-law grew incredibly close to her daughter, and they still have a wonderful relationship to this day.

Her daughter has grown so close to her mother-in-law that she can recall an incident from when her daughter was 2 and their family took a 2 week vacation.

They all had to leave an entire week early because her daughter was so upset to be away from her mother-in-law that she could not quit crying for her.

To this day, her daughter has to see her mother-in-law every couple of days or she stresses out. When she and her family do go away, her daughter FaceTimes her mother-in-law as soon as she gets up in the morning, and if she does not, her daughter’s whole day is ruined.

“The problem is my MIL tends to spoil my daughter and favor her over my sons and her other grandkids,” she explained.

“We considered limiting contact with them but I couldn’t hurt my daughter like that. She and her grandma have an incredibly special bond and I couldn’t destroy it. Plus, I know my daughter will never have to pay for anything. They’re going to buy her a car when she gets her license, they’re going to pay for her college/any expenses related to college, hell I wouldn’t be surprised if they bought her a house and I don’t think it’s fair to her to take that away from her when I know I can’t provide her with anything nearly as good.”

Syda Productions – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

“My boys know we don’t like the favoritism and they don’t have to go to her house if they don’t want to. They still choose to go most of the time because she does treat them very well, just not like their sister.”

She has spoken to her mother-in-law before about what to do around Christmas. Her mother-in-law agreed that she can spoil her daughter as much as she wants in private, but if all the kids are present, any Christmas gift they get has to be equal in value.

Mostly, when her mother-in-law gifts her daughter something big, it remains at her mother-in-law’s house for her to enjoy, so that’s been the main way they have avoided problems.

This past Christmas, her husband’s siblings came home with all of the children, which is an extremely rare occurence.

2 of her husband’s siblings live in other countries and never make it home because of how far it is and how hard it is on their work schedules to take time off, and his 3rd sibling just never comes home because she spends the holidays with her in-laws.

But, this time, her husband’s sisters came home and stayed with her mother-in-law.

They all ran out of time to have her mother-in-law and her daughter have a private gift-giving time, so her mother-in-law mentioned that she would be bringing all of her daughter’s gifts to Christmas.

“I knew this was going to cause issues with her other kids and figured they were going to help her see how unfair she was being over the next few days,” she said.

“My daughter wouldn’t have been there to get stuck in the middle because we were going on vacation from Christmas until New Years.”

“I prepared my boys and got less for my daughter and more for them to try to even it out. Christmas Day went pretty smoothly except a couple of the younger kids were upset about all of my daughter’s toys but their moms took care of it.”

“From what I heard, the next few days were pretty rough for my MIL. The problem is my husband and his family think I should’ve stopped my MIL from spoiling my daughter on Christmas.”

She’s left wondering if she’s wrong for not putting a stop to her mother-in-law spoiling her daughter in front of the other kids in their family this Christmas.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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